Sunday, June 04, 2006

Chapter 1

I felt that it was an awesome Chapter and I especially appreciated the dreams he had. I love how he said "a few short minutes with an elder will mean more then all the secrets of an effective seminar." When I go to talk to Roy, its as if I am talking to someone who has the keys of life. I love this mans dreams. You know one sentence keeps ringing in my mind from this first chapter "nothing replaces obediance." Being a Godly man means obeying. I have justified my sins so many times because of "hurt" and "past" but honestly the bottom line is I need to be a man and not give into the evil paths carved in my brain.

Shane I don't think you are doing anything wrong with listening to Chip once a day, sometimes even two three times a day. I think that is a part of his dream. We are attracted to Chip because he is a REAL MAN. He teaches us how to be real men in this difficult culture. I don't think Chip really has a group of followers or anything like that and I wouldn't even put you or I in that category. We look up to Chip because of his Godliness and we seek his councel through sermons. Chip is the man and I aspire to love the way he does.

Also, the point about the moral problem I think is very true. Two years ago when I began to experience my parents break up and the loss of a loved one, it was the first time I realized that I had a moral problem and that problem was rooted in the fact that I didn't trust Gods word. Gods word wasn't my master. I was making it my slave. When we as men start living by the word of God even when it doesn't feel good, then the moral problem will diminish more and more.

I also loved how Crabb mentioned pain over and over and how difficult this christian life is. Dude, I need to suck it up and be man, instead of hoping I stop sinning and being angry that I fall prey to the same sin over and over, I need to suck it up and accept Gods grace through his cross and let him change me from the inside out.


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