Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Chapter 2

Page 43 "Look inside an unmanly man and you will find a powerless, angry, terrified man trying to keep his life together through control, intimidation, and selfishness."

This sentence really hit me because I can see my self exibiting some of these behaviors. A lot of people see me as STRONG and VALIANT because I'm so involved with life changing small groups and I like to ask people the hard questions but believe it or not that is easy for me. I get a kick out of it. But sometimes I think I do it because I am terrified of what would happen if I didn't or it feeds some sort of selfish desire I have. Not sure what else to say about that but it popped into my head.

Page 46 "Unmanly men feel strangely good when they sense a power within themselves capable of destroying. They feel even more better when they release it."

Everyday I have a decision to make. Am I going to destroy my brain, my heart and goals in life by diving into lustful thoughts or pursuing unhealthy relationships and I sometimes find myself in them thinking "I shouldn't be doing this but I can't help it." Perhaps its because some of that power is being released.

Page 46 "They are full of vengeful judgment toward everyone but themselves."

I had a girl break up with me because of this. Well I dumped her but she claimed this as her reason for not wanting to get back with me.

Page 47 "The goal is RELIEF: quick, reliable, and easily arranged. Enjoying God is harder work. Terrried men want relief now!"

I am seeing more and more that I am a terrified man.


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